
Three recent podcasts that helped me learn about negotiation: Alexandra Carter on the Learning Leader Show, Episode #374 6 Negotiation Tactics Based on Psychological Science, with Jade Wu, PhD Mastering the Art of Persuasion, with Jonah Berger The three sites have a...

Seth’s tips on podcasting

This is a small set of interesting ideas that struck me from David Nebinski’s interview with Seth Godin on podcasting – well, actually on his new book The Practice, which I am enjoying a lot – will blog about it soon. There are so many other...

Dieta de dopamina: adiós Twitter

Dieta de dopamina Recuerdo cuando teníamos blogs y con los agregadores de RSS podíamos escoger leer los que nos gustaban. Los RSS se han muerto con plataformas como Twitter. Ahora en vez de ser tú quien selecciona lo que quiere ver, los algoritmos de las redes...

¿Por qué Lean Mind?

Arranqué Lean Mind a principios de 2018. Una marca totalmente nueva y la tercera empresa que inicio en mi vida. La primera fué Shidix en 2004 y la segunda Codesai en 2015. Son  empresas de las que me enorgullece haber formado parte y que siguen estando activas y...

Liderazgo: ¿lead developer?

No todo el mundo entiendo lo mismo por líder. Algunas personas piensan que un líder es un jefe que incluso puede ser autoritario. Líder y liderazgo son palabras de las que se ha abusado en diferentes medios como la televisión y por eso para algunas personas tienen...

How to make the most of an UNconference

In a traditional conference, the agenda/program and the speakers are selected weeks or months before the date of the event. There is a C4P months before, aspiring speakers send their proposals and the organization chooses and configures the agenda. Unconferences are...

A year to remember: 2019

What a wonderful year 2019 has been! a year in which I’ve grown a whole lot as a human being. To be honest this year has had very tough times with several relatives passing away, some of them under hard-to-accept conditions, but one of the things I’ve...

I am an altMBA alumni

In the spring of 2019, I enrolled in an online program called altMBA, aiming to get better at sales, marketing, management… aiming to level up my CEO skills. As a developer I felt I needed to take an MBA to complement my studies but I didn’t want to spend...