¿Por qué Lean Mind?

Arranqué Lean Mind a principios de 2018. Una marca totalmente nueva y la tercera empresa que inicio en mi vida. La primera fué Shidix en 2004 y la segunda Codesai en 2015. Son  empresas de las que me enorgullece haber formado parte y que siguen estando activas y...

Liderazgo: ¿lead developer?

No todo el mundo entiendo lo mismo por líder. Algunas personas piensan que un líder es un jefe que incluso puede ser autoritario. Líder y liderazgo son palabras de las que se ha abusado en diferentes medios como la televisión y por eso para algunas personas tienen...

How to make the most of an UNconference

In a traditional conference, the agenda/program and the speakers are selected weeks or months before the date of the event. There is a C4P months before, aspiring speakers send their proposals and the organization chooses and configures the agenda. Unconferences are...

A year to remember: 2019

What a wonderful year 2019 has been! a year in which I’ve grown a whole lot as a human being. To be honest this year has had very tough times with several relatives passing away, some of them under hard-to-accept conditions, but one of the things I’ve...

I am an altMBA alumni

In the spring of 2019, I enrolled in an online program called altMBA, aiming to get better at sales, marketing, management… aiming to level up my CEO skills. As a developer I felt I needed to take an MBA to complement my studies but I didn’t want to spend...