by Carlos Ble | May 29, 2016 | Software Development
Ni Monos Ni Lagartos, Episodio 2: No tenía ni idea de qué era esto de “Ni monos ni lagartos” NMNL, (más allá de la pegatina de Autentia del mono con el lagarto en la cabeza con atajos de teclado de Vim) porque cuando Isabel Rodriguez me llamó para decirme...
by Carlos Ble | Apr 8, 2016 | Software Development
How to propagate an event from a low level class to a top level one: public class TopLevel{ public bool Bubbled { get; private set; } private MiddleLevel observable; public TopLevel(MiddleLevel observable){ this.observable = observable; observable.Triggered += (s, e)...
by Carlos Ble | Feb 24, 2016 | aida, Architecture, Software Development, Windows Apps
I don’t really know whether they are the best practices to be honest, and certainly there is a lot for me to learn but these are principles and practices that work well for us in the development of a complex native Windows App (Windows 8.1+) using C# and the...
by Carlos Ble | Dec 28, 2015 | Software Development
On Windows 8, a call to “await aMessageDialog.ShowAsync()” can only be made once, otherwise System.UnauthorizedAccessException will be thrown (E_ACCESSDENIED 80070005). This is a helper method to display dialogs although it’s not thread-safe....
by Carlos Ble | Dec 21, 2015 | Refactoring, Software Development
We had a kind of duplication in our tests that we didn’t know how to deal with. The refactoring “Introduce Polymorphic Creation with Factory Method” explained by Joshua Kerievsky in his brilliant book “Refactoring to Patterns” gave me the...
by Carlos Ble | Dec 20, 2015 | Refactoring
When it comes to refactoring, my preferred katas consist of experimentation with the actual code base I am working on. I just create a new branch from a certain commit, play with several refactorings and then throw it away. I usually end up with several experimental...