by Carlos Ble | Dec 2, 2014 | Agile, aida
In the past edition of Socrates UK, I met Gianfranco Alongi who told us about his team’s experience with Mob Programming. It was the first time I heard about it. As the site says, Mob programming is people working at the same time, in the same space, at the...
by Carlos Ble | Oct 9, 2014 | Agile, Software Development
By pairing with a wide variety of other programmers, I’ve noticed that the programmer’s memory has an important impact on the productivity. In order to be agile searching for code blocks within a file, we must remember the structure of the code, be...
by Carlos Ble | Jun 20, 2014 | Agile, Clean code, Software Development, Test Driven Development
Last week I participated in SocratesUK for the second time. I learned many things, met amazing people and had a lot of fun. I flu from Tenerife to London the day before and met Sebastian Larsson in the pub where we had a nice chat on professional careers, talking...
by Carlos Ble | Jun 19, 2014 | JavaScript, Software Development, Testing
I am starting to work on a new project for a new customer, I’ll join the team for a couple of days or perhaps weeks. They have been spiking and eventually have decided they want to develop the front-end using Marionette.js a library on top of Backbone.js...
by Carlos Ble | May 13, 2014 | Agile
I totally disagree with the idea that ultimately we write software for money, for someone to make money — or more money. I can’t bear with sad statements like “well, eventually we get paid to produce revenue” or “at the end of the day...
by Carlos Ble | Mar 27, 2014 | Agile, Retrospectivas, Test Driven Development
Last week was awesome, I went to Barcelona to run two training courses. Well, one of them was my yearly session at the Postgraduate on Agile Methods at La Salle (Universitat Ramon Llull). The first postgraduate in the world on Agile Methods. I explain eXtreme...