Wow, AgileTestingDays 2013 it’s being awesome! I gave my talk today, a practical “live coding” session. Last week I created a real-time application to communicate with the audience so that when I am speaking they can tell me if they are understanding or if they want me to repeat …
So we started off using this app on my session. Interestingly enough the session was about building the tool again. From Cucumber specifications, all the way down to the GUI and the hub (server).
You can find the actual code of the application here and more importantly, the process I followed to write it, because I checked-in the code on every green test so by looking at the diffs, you’ll figure out how code evolved.
Unfortunately the wifi didn’t work well so I couldn’t really take advantage of the app. Next time I’ll bring my own wireless router to create our private LAN.
In order to prepare the session, I rewrote part of the app again myself. In here you can find this second iteration, again with a test committed at a time. By looking at the commits you can follow part of what I did during my session. You can take the code and practice yourself from this particular commit, comparing your moves with mine ones to see what we can learn.
Find the business specifications of the app here and the step definitions (glue) in here.
Now, the session didn’t go bad, but it didn’t go as well as I’d like. I did quite bad with the timing.I would have needed 90 minutes rather than 45 to illustrate the process properly. When I was preparing the talk, I wrote the code on my own and it didn’t take much time, but presenting it’s a different story, I’ve learned that I need about twice as much time.
But I am satisfied because several people understood the process and got value from it. Next time I run this session, it will go much better. And you know what? I’ve been approved by The Code Cop! Look at this picture.
I’ll be happy if you were attending the talk and can give me some feedback in the form of a comment in this blog. As a reward, one person out of the people commenting will be randomly selected and I will run a free 90 minutes session for her/his company (remotely, videoconferencing), doing this same exercise properly with Q&A session.
James Lyndsay and Bart Knaack from The Test Lab have used an instance of the app for testing purposes and people have found several defects. I am happy for that because I didn’t do any exploratory testing or even took care of network failures or latency problems. Thanks for that guys!
This exercise will be part of my upcoming book on Agile JavaScript for Rich Internet Applications. I expect to have the book done in 2014.
If you want to have a look at the sample deployed app on Heroku, use these urls:
Load a page in the browser with this url (as a speaker).
Then load the page as the audience in other window.
Then just interact.
Thank you very much for all your support, I really appreciated you invested your time on my talk. If are there questions please let me know of find me tomorrow in the conference to catch up or hang out 🙂