MySQL Web Seminar today

Today I have been attending a MySQL Web Seminar: Web 2.0 and MySQL. It has been interesting and the spoken english of the presenter (Jimmy Guerrero) has been crystal clear for me. The sound is sended by a telephone call but its free and the slideshow and Q&A...

Boxerp: My baby is growing

Nowdays Im focused on Boxerp development in my spare time. The old 0.0.1 version is deprecated since I am rewriting the whole framework. Now I have powerful development tools which provide agile development, facilities, reliability and high performance. Desktop...

Gtk# NPlot Control

I have updated the Gtk# NPlot Control to the last NPlot Now I am the maintainer of the control. I want to say thanks to Miguel de Icaza to grant me svn write access and to Matt Howlett to accept the tarball and include it in NPlot rocks 😉

TinyMCE and MonoRail AjaxHelper (II)

Here is a quick solution fot the “this.getDoc() error”. The thing is that tinyMCE adds the control to the textarea successfully the first time but it can’t add the control twice in the next load, so to remove the control when sending the form, could...

Fighting with TinyMCE and MonoRail AjaxHelper

There are several javascripts that performs changes in document elements when the page loads. To use the scripts you call a init function in the html header and they works fine but they don’t work when you request just a piece of html from the server using Ajax,...

I Jornadas de Software Libre SSL-ULL (The Report)

The past few days has been very fun and exciting for me. I met great hackers (a couple of them were also friends) and all the presentations I attended have been really interesting. I am happy enough with my presentation and with the questions that people asked to me...

I Encuentro de Software Libre de la ULL

Me complace anunciar que la próxima semana se celebra el I Encuentro de Software Libre de la ULL. Mis felicitaciones a la organización porque realmente han conseguido un evento muy atractivo tanto por los contenidos como por los ponentes. También estoy muy...

NPlot + Gtk#

Miguel wrote a fantastic Gtk# control for NPlot. The problem is that this tarball is using Gtk#1. To use Gtk# 2 you must to change lib/Makefile and replace gtk-sharp with gtk-sharp-2.0. You can download the fixed tarball here. This is another code example to draw a...

Beagle in the Castle

I have coded a Beagle web interface for MonoRail. It let you search keywords inside documents, IM conversations and other files in your hard disk. Beagle rocks :-). It uses Beagle.dll instead of doing system calls and the code is pretty simple. It is based on...

SharpTranslator 0.1

I was an user of the i2e (english to spanish word translator; apt-get install i2e) and I wanted to support the project by adding new words but the project seems to be died. So I have taked the i2e dictionary and developed a little Gtk# application which is a new...